Shabbat Shul @ CBJ


CBJ’s Shabbat Shul Exists to…

Put into practice Deuteronomy 6:7 concerning the commands, decrees, and laws of the L-rd to “teach them diligently to your children” by providing Shabbat School education and training focused on the teachings of the Torah and the Brit Chadasha, Messianic Jewish life cycle and Holy Day observance, the atoning work of Messiah Yeshua, and the role of Israel and the nations in G-d’s plan for mankind in a safe, nurturing environment led by called, qualified, and trained teachers.

Our Gan Yeladim - "Garden of Children" - is available every second and third Shabbat for children birth through K-5 and is led by Beth Judah Gan staff or Congregational members. 
We invite parents of Torah Tinokot (Torah Babies: Birth – 2) and Torah Tots (Pre-K 3 – K 5) to enjoy Shabbat service in the sanctuary while their little ones enjoy teachings of Torah, the Brit Chadashah, and the Living Word, Messiah Yeshua, in the Gan! The Gan will be open for parents of nursery aged children to oversee the care of their children during feasts, festivals, and special services unless otherwise announced. 

Torah Talmidim (Grade 1 – Grade 4) and Torah Teens (Grade 5 – Grade 9) remain in the sanctuary for our service liturgy and worship and then on the second (International) and third (Tikkun Olam) Shabbats of the month are invited to head to a Shabbat Shul lesson focused on teachings of Torah, the Brit Chadashah, and the Living Word, Messiah Yeshua! 

Parents, prior to enjoying our Oneg Shabbat immediately following the service, please come and pick up your children from the Gan Yeladim and Shabbat Shul service for this fun, family fellowship!